Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas Day!


We started the morning off by reading the Christmas story from Ember's Jesus Storybook Bible.

Then we opened the presents under the tree.

Maci was so excited that she had wrapping paper stuck in her hair.

Next, we had some homemade cinnamon rolls with some champagne and orange juice that our neighbors graciously shared with us! 

We opened our stockings.

Then some fresh snow stated to fall!

Then we headed over to Mima and Pappy's house for the rest of the day!

We watched a Christmas movie while Ember napped before Dustin's brothers arrived.

Once everyone was there, we ate appetizers and then got to the gift opening!

Ember opening one of her gifts with her feet like a monkey :)

Brothers toasting!

Then we ate a delicious prime rib dinner complete with twice baked potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, and broccoli casserole!

It was a very blessed Christmas season with lots of family and friends that we love so dearly!!


  1. I can't believe how big she is getting! Her big girl bed is awesome! :) Miss you guys!!!

  2. Love the family pictures out in the fresh snow! So cute! Looks like a great time with family!! Love Ember's enjoyment with doing things with her feet! Crakes me up!
