Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Snowy Day

We got a big snow on New Years Eve and a little into New Years Day so I took that as a push to do "The Snowy Day" for tot school and I am so glad I did. Here is what we did!

We read the book every day

We brought some snow into the house and painted it (Ember really enjoyed this)

Then we got all bundled up and went outside for some fun

Mommy made a snowangel since Ember wasn't too sure about laying down in the snow

We made tracks in the snow like Peter did in the book

She enjoyed it!

We praticed cutting along the lines with her new scissors. This is complicated for Ember for sure so we will keep working on it.

We sorted winter and summer clothes.

We put a bowl out in the snow to catch clean snow so we could make snow ice cream! Yum!!

We went sledding! Ember was scared of this at first but near the end didn't want us to go with her anymore. She wanted to do it all by herself!

Daddy joined in on the fun when he got home from work!

We made some white play dough and made tracks in it with a stick and with our fingers to look like footsteps.

Made a felt snowman (which will probably end up in her quite book)

Ember helped tell the story with these cards of objects from the story

We painted a snowman with a marshmallow

We did a tape resistant snowflake. Ember really wanted to paint with red so red it was!

And we made a snowman milk jug lantern! 

It was a really fun week and a half and the real snow was perfect! Next we are doing "We're Going on a Bear Hunt."


  1. What a fun week!!! Snow makes this unit so much better. Looks like Ember had a blast! I'm excited to see your next unit! I actually bought that book for Jace for his birthday, so we will be doing that lesson probably in February at some point. So I'm excited to see what ideas I can take from you. Thank you in advance for planning that unit for me. Hahaha. We are taking Jace to the zoo next Friday for his birthday, so we next week I will be doing Goodnight Gorilla. I will have to pull up your tot school lesson and see what you did again!

  2. Oh so fun! :) I got the "We're Going On a Bear Hunt" book for the boys for christmas and plan on using it too! :) I can't wait to see the activities you do! Loved the snowman painting with the marshmellow! I had wanted to do that this year, but we have been so sick and never got around to it! Love Embers face while sledding.... so so so cute!!!

  3. Love it!!! Great ideas!!! What a fun unit! Love the snow pictures!! Snow ice cream!! So fun! Did you know that so many people from Fargo have never heard of snow ice cream!?!! I find it so strange! Ember did great staying in the lines while painting with the marshmallow!! I'm impressed! That lantern is adorable! Love that you post these! It's so fun to see!
