Monday, January 26, 2015

Quiet Book Update

I was inspired this past weekend to make some more quite book pages since I had all the felt cut out from our Snowy Day unit. I though... I might as well add that to the quite book. And then I just kept going for a few other pages. These ones are pretty simple but hopefully still fun and will add a little more variety to the quiet book rotation!

Take the letters out and spell your name

"Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?" page

And then a few simple box puzzles to put together

That is all for now! I  need to restock some supplies before any more can be made! But hopefully not in the too distant future!


  1. You are so creative. I will need to ask you about how you make these when I see you in a week or two! YAY!

  2. Great job! Love the ideas you come up with or find in the book! This is such a special labor of love!!

  3. What a fun book! I really like all of these ideas! Making one of these would be so fun! Time consuming, but I'm sure so worth it!
