Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ember's Butterfly Toddler Bed

For Christmas, mommy and daddy got Ember her very own toddler bed! And Grandma and Grandpa Flin got her her new butterfly bedding set! She LOVES both and the transition has been extremely easy! The worst thing that has happened is that "tickle" (as Ember calls it)/Silky bear (Ember's comfort toy) fell out and under the bed and Ember couldn't find him and needed some help one early morning. Not too bad at all. Our little baby girl is sure growing up too quickly!!

Daddy putting the bed together

Ember excited!!

The completed product!

Ember after her first successful night in her bed.

Dustin and I were watching her sleep during her nap one day and I just had to get a picture!


  1. Yay for toddler beds!!! So glad to see she loves it and has done so well with the transition! We are going to try the transition here in a month or two! Hopefully Jace will love his toddler bed just as much! :)

  2. Oh it is perfect! Love the style! And the bedspread was made for Ember's room! She looks so thrilled and excited! What a fun thing! And sounds like she was ready for it the way she took to sleeping in it with no issues! That picture of her sleeping all tucked in is just adorable! There is something about sleeping babies!
