Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rolling Over

Ember decided to roll over both from back to tummy and then from tummy to back in the same day! I put her in her crib on her BACK after daycare without swaddling her and watched her on the monitor. This is how she ended up!  What a big girl!

Then later we put her on her tummy on her blanket on the ground and she managed to roll over onto her back without any help! We were amazed.

She also got some practice sitting with the Boppy helping her some this week. She did pretty good at first and then started slouching quite a bit!  

Family Fun Fort Night

Dustin and I have been trying to have a "date night" every Wednesday night. It is hard to do too much for a date night with a little one so we decided to get creative one Wednesday and build a fort in our living room to hang out in and read in! We decided to let Maci and Ember intrude on our date and had a fun time hanging out in the fort with Ember's Slumber Buddy giving us a starry night like sky :) 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Back to Work I Go :(

The day finally came when I had to leave this little sweetie and go back to work! It was very hard to leave her sleeping in her crib.... even with her daddy who takes great care of her! 

However, there was so much love and support throughout the day through texts, that I made it through. Also, Dustin sent me these pretty tulips  and pines and Joey and Rachael brought me a Starbucks to brighten my day. 

It was hard again to leave her at the daycare with strangers. But she has been doing great at both places and that makes it much easier! And let's just say I cuddled with my little one EXTRA this past weekend and took lots of pictures of her! :) Here are some of the pictures!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Addition to the Nursery

At the Schuster/Evans Christmas party, one of the ladies asked us if we wanted a doll house shaped bookshelf for Ember. We decided that the colors were perfect and it is so darn cute we couldn't pass it up. Here it is before and after we filled it!



It is nice to get Ember's books and toys out on display! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2013 is here!!


Ember got a "My First New Year" shirt for Christmas from some family. It was 3-6 months. Well, this is the only new year that will be her first so we had her wear it! She looks like she doesn't mind it... and the tutu really helps make the outfit! That adorable smile doesn't hurt either!

Oh, and here is a picture of the big girl holding her heavy head up

2 Months Old

Ember is 2 months old now! :) And we are loving her more and more each and every day! Amazing how that can happen. He is a brief summary about what is going on with Ember these days...

Ember is growing and changing so much. She is going down to sleep very easy and usually sleeps from 7:30/8:00ish until between 1:00-2:00, I feed her and then she gets up again around 4:00-5:00 to eat and then wakes up for the day in a few hours after that. She still eats about every 3 hours during the day. She is becoming more and more alert during her wake times. She follows you with her eyes when you walk by her and she turns toward your voice when you talk to her. She loves to break out of her swaddle more than ever and we have to reswaddle her at least once before she falls asleep for a nap. She doesn't cry while doing this - we think it is fun for her! In fact, she usually smiles a HUGE smile when we swaddle her to put her down in her crib. Since she is more alert and aware of her surroundings -she LOVES her play gym. She moves her arms, kicks her legs, grabs on to the toys, and talks to them while under it. It is a life saver during dinner as she will happily play under it while we eat. She is also becoming such a BIG girl by holding her head up. It just clicked for her one day and she can hold it up for over a minute if we help set her up with her arms in front of her. She even rolls over from this position to her side or back sometimes. She is smiling ALL the time when you talk to her or play with her. She still isn't a fan of her car seat but will be more content in it when we leave the car seat cover pulled up so she can see herself in her mirror. She does still love baths, the changing table, and that silly singing stork. I loosely tied her two month balloons to her wrist and let her move them around. She absolutely LOVED that she could make them move and would smile and laugh at them for 30-45 minutes straight. Sadly, they lost their helium so she can't play with them any more. But it will be a fun treat every month! This next month will be full of lots of changes - not only for Ember physically - but for all of us as I go back to work, Dustin gets to try "Daddy Daycare," and Ember goes to The Ark for a day and a  half each week. I know it will be a hard transition for me but hopefully Ember will fall into her new routine without missing a beat. We are so excited to have little Ember Renee as part of our lives in this new year 2013!!

Maci decided she wanted to get a picture with 2 balloons too since she is 2 YEARS old ;)

Maci was much easier to get a picture of then Ember.... :)