Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Kade - 2 Years Old


Wow! What a fast two years it is been. Kade is small for his age but he is FULL of personality And he isn't one to let people take advantage of him because he is little. He has a very loud voice and scream. He is silly and loves to laugh and make others laugh. He is really picking up on new words and combining words to ask for things or explain things. He is a mommy's boy through and through but loves wrestling and being tickled by dad. We love him so much and I can't count how many times Ember and Reece have said "Isn't he the cutest?" 

At age two, Kade weighs about 21 lbs. and is 32.5 inches tall. He is the shortest of our kids at this age. Kade is now sleeping upstairs in the room with Reece at night time. They are usually in bed by 7:30 and both fall asleep really fast. Then they are awake and playing together in the morning between 6:00-6:30. Kade takes an afternoon nap still every day in the pack n play in mommy and daddy's room from around 1:00-4:00. He is a very good sleeper.

"Little but loud" is the perfect way to describe Kade. He doesn't let his size keep him from anything. He is a climber. He runs fast and plays hard. He is always trying to keep up with his older siblings and do what they are doing. He loves to repeat words that we say and is constantly trying to vocalize and explain things to us. When he doesn't get his way or his personal space is invaded when he doesn't want it to be he will scream or yell "no."  He is thankfully starting to learn to say "no thank you" and "stop please." 

Kade has many favorite things. At the top of the list is for sure playing with Ember and Reece. He loves it when Ember does Superman with him and fly's him around. He loves when Reece and him run around the dining room table or from the kitchen to mommy and daddy's room. He also loves to copy what they are doing and saying to the best of his ability. Kade loves being outside whether to play in the back yard, play at a park, or go for a walk. He loves playing in dirt and getting it all over himself. He loves to swing. We constantly find him in the office or upstairs with books spread across the floor and him looking at one. He truly loves books with his favorites being "Where is Baby's Belly Button?",  "Growl Growl on the Prowl" and "Slide N' See." Kade loves to watch airplanes take off and land when we walk close to the airport. He runs to the office when he hears the garbage truck so he can stand by the window and watch it empty our trash can. He loves to be tickled and constantly says "more." He enjoys wearing other family members clothes and will consistently come parading around in my shirt, dad's shorts, or anyone's shoes. This little guy LOVES to eat and wakes up asking for breakfast. His favorite foods are cashews, macaroni, "bar", waffle, banana, fruit strip, cereal, crackers, hot dog, and blueberries. He is also obsessed with having ice in his water and eating ice on it's own as well. He still loves baths and also still enjoys pulling items out of the recycle bin. He likes to dance and enjoys when we sing to him. His favorite songs are "Twinkle Twinkle" and "Sunshine." 

Kade has many favorite toys and games that he enjoys playing. He loves to play with his new slide outside and the water table during the warm months. He likes playing with our big outdoor dump truck and bulldozer. He loves playing with a calculator as a phone. He is constantly running around the house pushing the toy shopping cart with or without things in it. He loves balloons and water balloons. He plays with the train table but also enjoys taking the tracks apart. He is obsessed with coloring when the kids are and calls all art supplies "color-ee". He likes drawing with chalk and playing with stickers. He enjoys Play-dough even though he still sometimes eats it. Kade enjoys throwing or rolling any sort of ball back and forth as well. 

Kade really doesn't like being told "no" if he is doing something he shouldn't. He also doesn't like if someone has something that he would like and doesn't give it to him. He will loudly say "mine." He is getting better at saying "turn" or "share" instead. Kade isn't a big fan of his car seat. He wants to be out and moving. He gets sad when Ember and Reece are doing something that he can't do or that he will mess up. Kade isn't a huge fan of eating meat. And he is beginning to dislike the stroller since he enjoys walking and running so much.  There are a few things that Kade is scared of and he lets us know by saying "scary." He is afraid of big dogs, thunder, ride on lawn mowers, the fertilizer spreader, and the potty. 

Since 18 months, Kade has learned to say many more words and phrases. Some of his most common are "Hi baby." " Bless you." "Did it!" "Snack?" "Grandma. Grandpa. Dinner. Car." "Scary" "Water... ice." Kade has also learned how to sing some. He loves to mix songs and will sing things like "Twinkle twinkle birthday." He also does the "ah, ahhh, ah, ahh" from Frozen 2. Kade has learned to go up and down stairs safely by himself. He knows how to clean up some. He can drink out of his water bottle and somewhat use a spoon and fork. He also is able to take his shoes off. 

Kade often walks around with his hands behind his back and will shrug his shoulders with a cute little face. He has added the sound "ee" to the end of many words when he says them such as ball-ee, cold-ee (ice) and color-ee. He will run around shaking his arms and head around in a crazy fashion just to be silly. He is a demanding parrot when he wants something and will incessantly say the word for what he wants over and over until someone helps him. 

If I had to sum Kade's personality up in a few words I would say he is silly, sweet, and passionate. He is different than his siblings and adds so much to our family. He is challenging to live with at times but makes up for it with his smiley, fun-loving attitude. We are so thankful to have Kade as part of our family and couldn't imagine life without him. We love you, Kade!  

Birthday Activities! 

We started the day off with some donuts!

Then Kade got to open his presents and play on his new slide

The big two year old! 

Lifegroup came over and we did a little birthday celebration for Kade and another little girl in our group who was turning 7. I made sprinkle popcorn, sprinkle rice krispies, and sprinkle ice cream sandwiches. 

Here are some more pictures Kade from 18 months till now!