Tuesday, April 16, 2013

4 Year Anniversary Early Celebration

We had a truly enjoyable night out on the town celebrating our 4 years of marriage a little early. We started off going to the 1899 Bar and Grill and then headed over to Ardrey Auditorium on the NAU campus to watch the Flagstaff Symphony. There was a world renown pianist playing with the orchestra the night we saw it! It was a very enjoyable time! (Thanks mom and dad for watching our little pumpkin!)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Sunday

We had a very relaxing Easter Sunday. We woke up and took our time in the morning, went to church, and then went to Dustin's parents house to hang out and cook dinner. I made my first ham since his parents were in Mexico. It was a great day celebrating our risen Lord!

 My ham - served with green bean casserole and twice baked potatoes :)

(it is not burnt... the honey glaze just browned under the boiler)

5 Months Old!

Our litte, sweet Ember is 5 months old. Here is what she has been up to.

Ember is learning more and more every day. She can now easily roll from tummy to back & back to tummy. She can lift her upper body up onto her forearms. She is also doing the "superman swim" move where she lays on her tummy and flails her arms and legs around. She can sit unsupported for small moments of time but definitely is still a litte tipsy. Everything she can get a hold of goes into her mouth. When I hold her hand to try and help her sit - she immediately tries to eat my hand. When we are getting her dressed, she tries to eat her hand/sleeve every time we put her hand into her clothes. We think she is beginning the joyous teething process but we have not seen any teeth pop through yet. She has however officially found her feet. When she lays on her back, she will grab on them, try to pull her socks off, or put them in her mouth.  Ember has slept ALL night about 5-6 times but still does not do it consistently. One of her new sleeping positions is with her butt sticking in the air and her knees tucked under her. She is learning how to make new noises. She laughs seldomly - and when she does it is one of the cutest noises I have ever heard. So far mommy and daddy have made her laugh by kissing her neck or her tummy while making silly noises. She recently learned how to fake cough and does that all the time. Ember still coos, talks, and shrieks with joy as she has been doing. During our Stay-cation over my break, Ember got to go to a few sit down restuarants for the first time. She did great at them. She loves being in new and busy places where she can sit back and listen and watch all the new things going on. She has started using her 9 oz bottles some but we still are not starting solids with her. She doesn't seem to be interested in our food and is doing just great on breastmilk alone. She is such a character and we love her developing personailty. We are constantly getting compliments from people on her cute looks, but also her sweet demeanor. I can't wait to see what the next month will hold!

Monday, April 1, 2013


I was a little unsure about a stay-cation when Dustin first mentioned it... but I ended up really truly enjoying it! It was very relaxing and seemed to last longer since there was no travel time. Here is a quick overview of what we did (sorry pretty much all the pictures are of our food :)

Wednesday night - We started the stay-cation off with homemade hamburgers, mango quinoa, and sweet potato fries! YUM!

Thursday - we woke up, had some coffee, and then headed to Wildflower for breakfast. We took care of a few things around the house and Ember spent her day watching Maci. Later, Ember's Pappy was so kind as to watch her so we could to see "Oz" 3D. That night we got take out for a new BBQ place in town and enjoyed a delicious dinner and pizza cookie for dessert.

Friday - We made homemade Stuffed French Toast which turned out really well. Then, we went to look at a model home in Ponderosa trails just for fun and worked out. We had our usual La Fonda Friday meal with Joey and Rachael at night and relaxed and hung out with them.

Saturday - We made hash browns, eggs, and bacon for breakfast. After Ember's nap, we picked up Starbucks and drove through some of our favorite neighborhoods to dream. Then we played some card and board games. That night we went out to dinner at Fat Olives - another new restuarant in town. Ember did VERY good and the waitress said she was the best behaved baby she has seen.

Sunday - We went to Brandy's for breakfast and Ember did great there too. Then we worked out and headed to Dustin's parents house for dinner after some more "Snerts" :)

It was a great time! We cannot wait till the next one :)