Sunday, August 30, 2015

Week 40!! Due date!!

Well, we are two for two with our babies staying put until their due date! The good thing about that is I honestly have everything ready and am not stressed about that part in the least! :) The bad news is we still haven't met him! I am consistently reminding myself that God's timing is perfect! And thankfully, I am still feeling really well and still able to do all the things I usually do! Here is my 40 week (and hopefully last) bump picture!\

We also randomly took some "maternity" pictures one evening this past week by the blooming sunflowers because we did so with Ember and didn't want to start off immediately not doing the same things for Baby #2. We were both happy with how they turned out for so last minute! 

Just Daddy

Just big sister - Ember

Family selfie!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Blueberries For Sal

We finished one more BFIAR book before Baby Boy came! Hooray! We will be taking a little break from Tot School to get accustomed to being a family of 4. I would say that this was probably one of Ember's least favorite books so far. She loved the activities, but she just didn't seem as excited about the book as usual. But the whole unit still turned out really well! Here is a glimpse of what we did! 

Read the book every day

Watched a YouTube reading of the book

Glued "blueberries" onto a bush

We made "Dancing Blueberries" by placing dried blueberries in carbonated soda and the carbonation bubbles made the blueberries float to the top and then sink back down. Pretty cool to watch!

We made some Blueberry scones with a lemon glaze! Delicious!

Worked on directional words with a little paper bear and some printed pictures (I forgot to take a picture of this!)

Continued to work on letter recognition by placing a "blueberry" on the correct letter

Sensory bin with shaving cream, a bear, and blueberries (blue beads)

Used finger to make blueberries in a little basket

Worked on a bear puzzle

Searched for "blueberries" in the house. Then Ember hid them for me to find! 

Fun unit overall!! Now for baby brother time!!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Baby Boy Nursery!

Here are a few pictures of baby boy's half of the room! We went with a gray and aqua elephant theme. We are very happy with how it turned out for having to combine a boy and girl room for now and not wanting to paint! Now, it just needs the little boy to be here!! 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Week 36!! Home stretch!

WEEK 36!

The doctor told us at our last check up that he was head down and his head was pretty far down! So, as much as I am trying not to get my hopes up at all - maybe he will at least not be 8 DAYS LATE like his sister was ;) 

Just for fun.... comparison to 36 weeks last pregnancy!

Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?

"Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?" was a fun tot school book! Ember really seemed to enjoy it! Here is a glance at what we did! 

We read the book every day

We read some similar themed books

We practiced following the lines while drawing
 (She got the up and down pattern but tried to do it for all of them...haha!)

We colored pieces of laundry and continued to work on some of the letters that are harder for her

We hung the laundry on a clothes line

We ate a "healthy lunch" like Jesse Bear did 

We glued Jesse Bear's healthy lunch to his plate for him

We worked on the four seasons and what to wear for each one with this little felt bear and some clothes I made for him.

We practiced patterns

We worked on seasons some more by creating a picture of Jesse Bear in each season!

Our sensory bin for this unit was supposed to be playing in a sand box before I realized that playgrounds don't have sand any more these days (just rubber or wood chips) and the only sand I could think of... I would have had to jump a fence about 9 months pregnant ... so we skipped that! :) 

My plan is to get in one more unit before Baby Boy arrives!!

Here are some pictures of what happened to our little seeds that we planted back in "The Carrot Seed" unit in the clear cup greenhouses. They grew very well!

Summer Weekend Fun!

Over the past few weeks, we have taken a few weekend trips! 

We did our annual "Friend Trip" again with 3 other families who are our close friends. We rent a HUGE house in Phoenix with a pool and each couple cooks 2 meals and we just hang out together. Always one of our favorites and this time was no exception! 

We had lots of pool time!

... for the little ones and the grown ups!

The girls found this puzzle at the house and played with it and put it together MANY times!

Pajama party!!

(Didn't take too many pictures! :( Too busy relaxing and talking!)

Then last weekend, my parents were in Sedona for their church family camp and Dustin's parents were in Sedona for a week at a time share... so we decided to visit Living Springs Camp to see my parents and old church family and pick some blackberries and then stayed with Dustin's parents one night at their time share.

Excited to pick some blackberries - there were not many ripe ones this year but we got a few!

Laying in the cozy, long grass

Then we headed on over to the Sedona Pines - which was actually more of a RV... haha! But a getaway is a getaway!

Ember played in the pool, played at the little park, and got to try her hand at miniature golf. We also ate dinner at one of our Sedona favorites - El Rincon! 

Oh! And we woke up to hot air balloons right over our heads! Pretty neat!

Great one night trip in Sedona seeing both sides of grandparents! Thankful this beautiful place is so close to us!