Saturday, July 9, 2016

Reece - 10 Months Old

This little baby is getting too dangerously close to being a year old!! How does the time go so fast!?!? Reece is 10 months old now! 

Reece now weighs (   ) and is (  ) inches tall. He is still waking up about 2 times at night with an occasional surprise of only waking up once mixed in between. He wakes up for the day around 6:00 am most days as happy as can be and is taking two naps each day. 

Reece loves carrying toys around while he is crawling and them standing up and putting them on top of things like tables, boxes, the play kitchen. Then he knocks it off and gets down from standing, picks it back up, and does it again. He still really enjoys eating food and is a fairly good eater in terms of the variety of food he will eat. He loves to swing at the park and he also enjoys stroller rides as long as we keep moving. Reece is loving his sister more and more. He will crawl after her or go to the room she is in. If she comes near him to say "hi" or give him attention he squeals with joy. Reece has also started screaming and squealing just for the fun of it when he is happy. He can be very very loud. Reece dislikes not being able to touch the off limit things in our house like the dog dishes, the blu-ray player, our computers, and cords. He will try and try again though. He gets an A+ for persistent. 

His favorite toys are his activity cube, any ball, wheels that he can spin, and taking the refrigerator magnets off the fridge in the kitchen. His favorite game is still "peek-a-boo" and doing anything with his sister! He also plays a game where if you look at him and do a long blink, he will copy you and do a long blink back. 

Reece can now crawl with things in his hands. He can walk along the couch, table, bouncer, etc while holding on to it. And he can also say things like "maw maw" and "la la." 

Reece went on his first plane ride this month to visit his cousins in Fargo. He got to meet baby Drayden for the first time too. He also got to try eating shredded deli meat this month and really enjoys it.

 When Dustin or I come home after being gone for a little bit, Reece now speed crawls to us with a happy grin on his face and then rests his head on our shoulder as soon as we pick him up. He also stands in the crib and waits for Daddy to tuck Ember in at night and then give him a kiss at bedtime. Then he lays back down like that was what he wanted. However, there are many nights where Ember and Reece will be laughing and squealing together in their room for 10-15 minutes before they fall asleep. It is music to our ears as parents. 

More pictures :) 

Fargo Visit in June

Ember, Reece and I were able to go to Fargo to visit the Brucks in June. Grandma and Grandpa Flin also came with us which made it all the more fun and it was very helpful since there were 5 kids four and under. 

My sister posted about this trip before me and did such a wonderful job that I am just going to post her link here. Mine would be pretty identical anyway... except probably not quite as detailed since I am not the Blogging Queen like Ally :)

We had an amazing trip full of lots of activities, trying new things, reading books, cuddles, definitely some crying and tantrums too - but over all FUN FUN FUN!! We already cannot wait till the next time! 

Mother's Day and Memorial Day

The day before Mother's Day, our church hosted a Mother Daughter Tea. It was alot of fun for both of us!! 

Mother's Day 2016

A few weeks later in May we had family in town to celebrate Baby Harper Evans being born! 

Harper Elizabeth

The new family of 3

All the Evans side cousins in one picture! 

Corbin and Ember at Buffalo Park

Reece - 9 Months Old

Another month we were blessed to spend with this sweet little boy! 

Reece now weighs 17 pounds and 12 ounces. He is constantly moving so I bet his weight is going to stabilize for a little bit. His sleep patterns are not very consistent but he wakes up 1-2 times at night and then usually takes 2 naps a day.

Reece loves crawling around and pulling up and standing by things. He still loves baths and eating food. He loves when people talk to him - especially his sister. He dislikes having to take medicine or having his snot sucked out of his nose so he can breathe enough to eat. He also dislikes waiting for us to give him his food.

Reece's favorite toys are his activity cube and the play kitchen. His favorite games are "peek-a-boo," being tickled, and standing by Ember's toddler bed and trying to "eat" her (good thing he still has no teeth.) 

Reece can now sit on his knees and bounce and pull up on everything he can reach the top of. He can now clap with open hands and he is starting to say things like "daw daw." 

Since he is standing so well now, we had to move his crib mattress down and he quickly learned how to stand in his crib. He tried his first sqeeze pouch and can drink them well with Mommy's help holding it. And this little sweetie is turning into quite the cuddler. He will often times just lay his head on your shoulder when you first pick him up. It is just so sweet and adorable.

This little guy is always on the move and plays hard! And it has been so fun to watch the relationship between Ember and Reece become more two sided and grow. I love watching my kids love each other! 

Here are some more pictures from the month!

Reece - 8 Months Old

This sweet boy is 8 months old!! 

Reece is a big 8 month old! He has been waking up two times a night right around 11pm and than 3 am. And he is almost completely transitioned to only 2 naps per day which is really nice because it makes it a lot easier to do things at night without having to bring a pack n' play. 

He loves to crawl, crawl, crawl all over the place! He especially likes to go to Maci's food and water dishes and make a mess and go to Maci's bed and try and play with her toys with her. Reece loves eating solids with the family in his booster. He dislikes having his face wiped after eating. And he doesn't like us stopping him from getting into mischief. 

His favorite game is "Peel-a-boo" and he loves to explore and play with anything new. He still loves his bouncer and is becoming really interested in his activity cube as well. He still loves flying like super man, playing with toys in the bath, and being tickled. 

The new things that Reece has learned this month is being able to master picking up finger foods and getting them into his mouth on his own. He can now crawl on his hands and knees and sit up by himself from the laying position. Reece also learned how to spit and blow bubbles and he clapped with his hands closed.

There have been some more firsts for Reece this month. He had his first bath in the bathtub without his infant tub. He tried carrots, zucchini, and kale. And we also introduced him to puffs! He got to sit in a shopping cart for the first time this month which makes running errands so much easier. And finally, he went swimming for the first time. He really seemed to enjoy it! But he does like water so I wasn't too surprised.

It was another busy month for this little guy! We all grow to love him more and more and it is so much fun watching him grow and learn new things! 

Here are a few more pictures from the month!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Mexico in April!

Beautiful weather this trip in Mexico! It couldn't have been better. Plus, our cousin Matt and his daughter Sophie came too. Sophie is a little over a year older than Ember but they had so much fun playing together! 

Quad ride with Mima and Pappy and Bella

Ember and Sophie playing in the sand

Ready to hit the beach! 

Dinner on the boardwalk at a nice restaurant overlooking the ocean at sunset.

:) :) :)

We don't usually celebrate half birthdays but Uncle Lee bought a cake and it just so happened to be Ember's half birthday so we sang to her. And since then she hasn't stopped telling people that she is 3 and a half years old! 

I love the ocean because it is always full of surprises. You never know what is going to wash up on the shore. This trip a turtle shell appeared. So cool to look at.

Ready to go kayaking! 

Dustin snorkeling!

Ember got so brave on this trip and wanted to actually go in the ocean more than just up to her knees. She mostly hung onto Dad's hands but would let go for a few seconds at a time which is really good for her. We were proud of her.

Can't beat kiddos on the beach at sunset for some good pictures. And add in some jean overalls .... too cute to not take a ton of pictures. Here are just a few! 

It was a lovely time with perfect weather and great memories!