Monday, February 11, 2019

Kade - 6 Months Old

And here we are at half a year already. This little boy has blessed our life for 6 great months and we are so grateful for who he is and what he adds to our family! 

Kade weighs 14 lbs and is 23.5 inches long. Kade still sleeps in our room for naps and at nighttime. He wakes up 1-2 times a night and takes 3 naps each day of varying length. He can now stay awake for over 2 hours at least once a day. He has been waking up for the day between 6:30 - 7:00 and is so happy and content in the morning that we have been loving our time with just him. He is still in size 2 diapers. He is wearing 3 month and 6 month clothes. 

Kade still is a happy little man. He loves anyone giving him attention and will give just the biggest gummy smile. He can't wait to come out of our room after waking up and see who is around to say "hi" too. He loves baths and kicks and splashes around during them. He loves to roll to his tummy and then back to his back and scoot in a circle to try and reach different toys or things. He is never where you left him on the floor. His favorite toys are Beat Bo, Sophie, and his light up snail with a mirror on it. He absolutely loves when Ember and Reece are around him playing with him and is very interested in watching Maci if she is nearby as well. He enjoys the Ergo again now that he is facing outward in it and Kade still loves sucking his thumb to comfort himself. 

He dislikes getting out of the warm bubble bath. He sometimes doesn't like to be put in his car seat. When he is getting tired, he likes to be held instead of on the ground. He is also starting to dislike getting his clothes changed. He fights it when we try and get his arms and legs into his clothes.

This month, Kade has learned to sit supported really well and unsupported for up to 10-15 seconds before tipping over. He has also learned how to get his toes into his mouth and sometimes uses that to soothe himself. He has also learned how to scoot around in a circle when he is laying on the ground. Kade is also really good at supporting his weight all the way up on this arms instead of just his forearms. 

He got to go in the bouncer for the first time this month and is growing to love it... especially now that his feet touch the floor better and he is more able to bounce. I think that is about it for firsts this month.

We are shocked that 6 months with this beautiful baby have already passed. We love his so much and can't wait to spend many more months with him! 

Here are a few more pictures from the month!